Un Jour Virgule by Attention Fête

One of the things I admire most about Attention Fête is their ability to keep me surprised. This time the French sound art band brings us Un jour virgule, a series of recordings that are claimed to be recorded entirely on the guitar. I don’t know how they do it. It takes a very deep dive into the world of effects to create these ambient noise collages that don’t sound droning and repetitive; especially on an album that is 14 songs long, but they pull it off.

Okay, so there’s no beat, per se. This is one of those times that percussion would have gotten in the way of what Attention Fête is trying say, in my opinion. There’s still enough going on here to keep your interest.

Whether you regard it as interesting background noise, the score to an imaginary avant-garde sci-fi film, or just the audible equivalent to an acid trip, fans of experimental music will find Un jour virgule rewarding.


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